Hartford DUI Lawyers
Protecting Your Driving Privileges After a DUI in CT
Accusations of drunk driving are much more serious than ordinary traffic violation citations such as speeding tickets. If you are convicted for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol (DUI), you will have a criminal record.
Even being accused of DUI can cause you to lose your driving privileges. If you refused or failed a breath, blood, or urine test after being stopped on suspicion of DUI, you have just seven days to request an administrative hearing before the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles or your license may be suspended.
To prevent having your driver's license suspended for 45 days or longer, contact our Hartford DUI attorneys as soon as possible after your DUI arrest.
Dedicated Representation After a DUI Arrest in Connecticut
At Budlong & Scelfo, LLC, we are available to represent you after you have been charged with a drunk driving offense anywhere in Connecticut.
We have helped many previous clients obtain favorable outcomes such as:
- Dropped charges
- Reduced charges and/or penalties
- Restoration of your driving privileges, with or without installation of an ignition interlock device (IID)
- Avoided convictions for first-time offenders when no one was injured, through fulfillment of a diversionary Alcohol Education Program (AEP)
The sooner you get started on your defense, the more options there will be to avoid a criminal conviction and/or the loss of your driver's license. Remember, there are tight timelines after being arrested on suspicion of DUI. To help us better fight for your rights, call (800) 496-0497 as soon as possible.
Understanding Misdemeanor & Felony DUI Charges in Connecticut
In Connecticut, many DUI offenses are charged as misdemeanors. This includes first time offenders who are over the age of 21 found to be driving with blood alcohol content (BAC) greater than .08%; commercial license holders driving with a BAC greater than .04%; or those under 21 years of age driving with a BAC of .02% or more.
Felony changes may result from persistent DUI offenders, as defined in CGS § 53A-40F, those who have been charged with vehicular assault or manslaughter in addition to DUI, and those who have previous DUI or vehicular crime convictions in other states. Our Hartford DUI attorneys will take your previous criminal history into account when building your defense.
Contact Our Hartford Driving Under the Influence Defense Team Today
Budlong & Scelfo, LLC wants to help you put your legal problem behind you after a DUI arrest in Connecticut. There is no shame, only clear direction, when you work with a defense attorney from our firm.
Call (800) 496-0497 or complete our online intake form to request your initial consultation.

What Makes Us Different
Providing an Unmatched Experience-
Decades of Experience
Our skilled legal team has many years of combined experience.
Dedicated to Our Clients
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Personalized Attention
We are dedicated to providing personalized attention to each and every client.
Customized Strategies
We create tailored strategies based on the specific needs of our clients.